Pricing & Delivery

DescriptionPrice each
Loose photos, standard size 20p
Loose photos, small 30p
Loose photos, medium 50p
Loose photos, large 70p
Remove from album service, per hour £15.00
35mm Slides 35p
35mm Negatives 35p
Images requiring enhancement 10p
Folder naming per 500 images £35
Folder naming, small files < 25 images 50p
Preparing USB3 Master copy £20.00
Collection or return via courier, approx/TBC (based on package approx size & weight of an average shoe box). £10.00
Preparing a Link to download your scanned images £15.00
Minimum order value, exluding extras £50.00

Call us on 07557 979 258

Customers often call us for advice on how to sort their photos effectively or on image quality or something else. They tell us this free advice is very helpful so please just call us, and we will happily help you too.

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